Wednesday, September 6, 2017

RIP Uncle Charlie

Yesterday at this time, I got the news that my Great-Uncle Charlie died. He had not been well for months, and really his last functional holiday was Easter. He had been battling an assortment of ailments, and was in a lot of pain. Sometimes death is the merciful ending of a bad situation.

Charlie was married to my Great-Aunt Margie when I was a little kid, and had been a part of my family as long as I can remember. They lived down in Montgomery County, and yet we'd see them almost every other Sunday, first at my great-grandmother's, and later at my grandmothers. They alternated who's church they went to each week, so they came up to Phillipsburg every other week.

He was a good guy. We watched many a Phillies game while the older ladies in the family talked about whatever it is they talk about. Charlie didn't need to tell you everything, he was the type who could quietly wait for the right moment to say what he wanted to say. We're all going to miss him and his company.

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